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PG&E Customers Invited to Pre-Enroll in Groundbreaking ‘Vehicle-to-Everything’ Pilot Programs, Leveraging Electric Vehicle Battery Power for Resilience Benefits and Helping Reduce Customer Bills

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) today announced the launch of a pre-enrollment website for customers interested in joining the company’s three upcoming Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) pilot programs.

The new programs will offer customers financial incentives to integrate new bidirectional EV charging technology, which allows a customer’s electric vehicle to become a mobile battery, capable of storing electricity that can be used to provide onsite power or send power back to the grid during periods of peak electricity demand.

As outlined in its first ever Climate Strategy Report, released in June, PG&E aims to support three million EVs on the road in its service area by 2030, with goals of more than two million of them equipped with vehicle-to-grid capabilities.

PG&E will test the technologies in a variety of settings, including homes, businesses and with local PG&E microgrids in select high wildfire-risk areas. PG&E is anticipating enrolling approximately 1,000 customers with eligible electric vehicles and bidirectional charging stations in the residential pilot, 200 customers in the commercial pilot, and 200 customers in the microgrid pilot.

Pre-enrollment allows PG&E customers to express interest in participating, determine eligibility, and reserve a rebate and an opportunity to fully enroll in the programs in 2023 as more vehicles and other required equipment become more widely available.

“Bidirectional EV charging is a game-changer for both the energy and transportation sectors. These pilot programs will help determine how to maximize the cost-effectiveness of bidirectional charging technology in providing a variety of customer and grid benefits,” said Aaron August, PG&E’s Vice President, Utility Partnerships and Innovation.

Customer benefits of PG&E’s V2X pilots include leveraging the EV battery as a backup power source and using the EV battery to earn money and offset energy usage through participation in demand response and other managed charging programs, which ultimately help reduce customer bills, integrate renewable energy, and support the grid.

Each of the new pilot programs offer specific financial incentives for participating customers and additional benefits for those in disadvantaged and priority communities as identified in California Assembly Bill 841. The upfront incentives for the V2X Pilots along with the performance-based incentives and enrollment in the Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP) can provide additional savings to help offset the costs of purchasing and installing a bidirectional EV charger.

More than 420,000 EVs—one in six in the country—are registered in PG&E’s service area of Northern and Central California, where customers are often early adopters of new clean energy technologies.

PG&E has played an active role in reducing customers’ barriers to EV adoption through charging infrastructure programs, rebates, and special EV rates for both residential and business customers that help make charging simpler and more affordable. ​