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Sen. Cramer Joins Fox Business to Discuss Takeover of Electric Vehicles, Biden Administration’s Attack on U.S. Energy 

U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss the “market corruption” of electric vehicles and the United States’ emissions advantage compared to polluting countries like China. 

On Widespread Push for Electric Vehicles: 

“[The Democrats] say what they want is more energy efficient combustion engines, but what they really want is to get rid of them. They want to get rid of the combustion engine altogether by creating an impossible standard, and that’s what’s forced this market corruption, if you will. It’s forced a lot of these manufacturers to create way too many electric vehicles, which people don’t want. Not only that, they can’t get the parts for them. They’re expensive to buy. They’re expensive to maintain. You can’t get the batteries. We don’t create them here. The energy they want to bring to the United States is dependent on China […] It just transfers their climate guilt to other polluting countries to build all of these things that we would then import into the United States. It’s awful for the economy, but it’s also just really bad public policy. Anytime the government steps in with huge subsidies for inefficient outcomes, you’re going to go down a very slippery slope.” 

On U.S. Carbon Emissions: 

“We’ve actually, as a country, reduced greenhouse gas emissions more than the next eight reducers added up, that’s how good we are. Innovation has always been the American advantage […] Instead of transferring climate guilt by having China build our solar panels and our electric vehicles, we should sell them a cleaner fuel source which natural gas is. When it comes to natural gas, remember, the Left wanted to refer to natural gas and did for years, as a ‘bridge fuel.’ 

“How do you incentivize? How do you interest people and invest in a short-term bridge? You simply cannot. It was because of the abundance of natural gas in the United States that we’re able to bring these emissions down. Now what they want to do with their new EPA, energy plan, electricity generation plan, is replace natural gas with hydrogen—a reasonable goal or aspiration well out into the future— but they want to force it, and they want to force it fast. It’s going to raise the same exact legal arguments that prevailed in West Virginia versus EPA.”